अपेंडिक्स का कारण,लक्षण व उपचार

★ अपेंडिक्स आँत का एक टुकड़ा है। इसे डॉक्टरी भाषा में एपिन्डिसाइटिस कहते हैं| ★ चूँकि हमारे पेट में कई अंग होते हैं, इन अंगों की अनेक बीमारियों में पेटदर्द, बुखार, उल्टी आदि लक्षण समान ही होते हैं। साथ ही पेट के अनेक अंगों व दूसरे रोगों के भौतिक परीक्षण और पूर्व इतिहास भी मिलते-जुलते होते हैं इसलिए अपेंडिक्स को सुनिश्चित करने की समस्या प्रायः बनी ही रहती है। ★ Appendix ka operation -पूरी तरह परीक्षण किए बगैर मामूली से या अन्य किसी कारण से होने वाले पेटदर्द के निदान…

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Are all salad combinations healthy?

 by Dr Partap Chauhan Just the presence of the word ‘Salad’ in the name of a dish does not automatically make it healthy. In recent years, with the growing awareness of eating healthy greens, we are choosing dishes that are commonly referred to as salads. But are they all healthy? Here is an Ayurvedic perspective on this matter, and what you should put together in a healthy salad. Salad vs. ‘Healthy’ Salad – Avoiding Virrudh Ahaar There is a big difference between a salad and a healthy salad. By definition,…

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9 Health Benefits of Fennel Seeds

By: Shilpa Arora India’s love affair with fennel needs no introduction. The seed spice dominates a variety of our preparations. Did you know that India happens to be the largest exporter of fennel seeds, widely known as saunf. A common practice in most Indian households is to have few fennel seeds or saunf at the end of every meal. This practice you might think is to freshen the mouth, but think again. A concentrated source of minerals like Copper, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, Manganese, Vitamin C, Iron, Selenium and Magnesium, the age…

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Blog by Dr Partap Chauhan Many people complain of feeling fatigued and stressed. When they come home in the evening they feel very tired and often they feel agitated and angry. Ayurveda describes a few things that you should do when you go home. The first thing that you should do when you come out of the office is to switch off the office in your mind. As soon as you sit in the car or in the metro or on your motorcycle, stop thinking what you did in the office or…

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by Meena Om   Healing means that a person does not have energy to cope with his problems and he keeps sinking into them, second, his mind is not into contemplation or meditation or dhyan that he can find solution to his problems, third, he is set to grow, set for change that is why problems or diseases have come to him. So I often say, toxins in the body, undesirable thoughts in the mind, burden on your soul all create diseases. Why they come so that we can learn from…

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Cardiologist gyan on improving Heart condition

Dr. B.M.Hegde (Belle Monappa Hegde), cardiologist, medical scientist, educationist and author speaks in depth on various points like Difference between Bypass & Angioplasty, Vaccination, Alternative Medicines, Commercialization of HealthCare industry, Placego effect on patients, Simple technique for staying healthy Source – Whatsapp Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional…

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आयुर्वेद के ये चमत्कार आपको कभी बीमार नहीं पड़ने देंगे

  फर्स्ट एड बॉक्स (First Aid Box) हम में से अधिकांश लोग अपने घरों में फर्स्ट एड बॉक्स तो जरूर रखते हैं। इसमें हर उस बीमारी की दवाई होती है जिसे आम भाषा में कॉमन डिजीज या सामान्य बीमारी कहा जाता है। बुखार हो या खांसी-जुकाम, बदन दर्द हो या पेट की कोई खराबी या फिर कोई अन्य सामान्य समस्या, आपके घर का ये केमिस्ट आपको हर दवाई मुहैया करवाता है। एलोपैथी दवाई (Allopathic Medicine) कई लोगों को ये एलोपैथी दवाई चुस्त-दुरुस्त कर देती है तो कई लोग इनसे मिलने…

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रात को नहीं खानी चाहिए ये 10 चीजें

हर व्यक्ति की खाने से जुड़ी अपनी अलग आदतें होती हैं। इसलिए कुछ लोग शाम के समय जल्दी खाना खा लेते हैं, जबकि कुछ लोग देर से खाते हैं। शरीर पर इन आदतों का तो असर पड़ता ही है, लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि आपने रात को जो खाना खाया है, उसका सीधा असर आपकी नींद पर पड़ता है। जी हां, रात को सोने से पहले आपने जो खाना खाया है, यदि ठीक नहीं है तो आपको बहुत जल्दी गहरी नींद नहीं आएगी। आयुर्वेद में माना गया है कि…

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Turmeric May Heal Injuries and Pain Better Than Painkillers: Study

Turmeric is more effective than popular painkillers at easing the agony of sports injuries says a new study. Indian spice Turmeric has for long been famous for its antiseptic and medicinal properties. A new study has now claimed that turmeric is more effective than popular painkillers at easing the agony of sports injuries.The study was published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences journal. The study revealed that after less than three weeks, turmeric was able to ease injured rugby players’ discomfort just as much paracetamol or ibuprofen,…

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Ojas life Reveals Health Benefits of Bramhi

Get it from any plants nursery, Grow this plant in your balcony & use regularly in green smoothie. Brahmi meaning what gives knowledge of Brahman i.e. Supreme Reality. Brahmi is perhaps the most important nervine herb used in Ayurvedic medicine. It revitalizes the brain cells, removing toxins and blockages within the nervous system, while at the same time have a nurturing effect upon the mind. It improves memory and aids in concentration. In Himalaya Brahmi is an important food for Yogis and improves meditation. A small amount of the fresh…

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