Acupuncture and Acupressure are forms of Traditional Chinese medicine that focus on Qi, which is considered the body’s life force energy. Studies link the two treatments with a plethora of health benefits involving everything from your digestive system to mood disorders. While the methods share similarities, they also differ in significant ways. Here’s everything you need to know about acupuncture and acupressure—and whether either may be a good fit for you. What Is Acupuncture? Acupuncture involves the insertion of hair-thin, sterile needles into different points in the body by licensed,…
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Healthy Body
by Arogyadham Maa Yoga Ashram “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” – Hippocrates (Circa 460 BC – Circa 370 BC) Father of Western Medicine What is good health? The person who is able to dance like a child, who is able to jump like a child, person who has no burden in his mind. A person stands instantly and immediately as a child and sits instantly and immediately like a frog. How active is that person? He who has the same attributes as written above is definitely…
Read Moreअपने डॉक्टर खुद बने
1= नमक केवल सेन्धा प्रयोग करें।थायराइड, बी पी, पेट ठीक होगा। 2=कुकर स्टील का ही काम में लें। एल्युमिनियम में मिले lead से होने वाले नुकसानों से बचेंगे 3=तेल कोई भी रिफाइंड न खाकर केवल तिल, सरसों, मूंगफली, नारियल प्रयोग करें। रिफाइंड में बहुत केमिकल होते हैं जो शरीर में कई तरह की बीमारियाँ पैदा करते हैं । 4=सोयाबीन बड़ी को 2 घण्टे भिगो कर, मसल कर ज़हरीली झाग निकल कर ही प्रयोग करें। 5= रसोई में एग्जास्ट फैन जरूरी है, प्रदूषित हवा बाहर करें। 6= काम करते समय स्वयं…
Read MoreWalk your Way to Better Health
Small Steps that make Miles of Difference to your Fitness and Well-being Taking a walk every day is like biting the proverbial apple. You can keep the doctor away, just by moving your feet. Not a fan of sweaty, rigorous workouts? Then, walking is perfect for you. No need for gym memberships, or expensive equipment. All that’s needed are your feet and a pair of good quality walking shoes, and you can walk your way to “Better Health.” From shrinking your jeans size to helping you reduce blood-pressure, preventing diabetes…
Read MorePearls of Wisdom from Hippocrates
Hippocrates (The Father of Medicine) 1. Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. 2. Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear. 3. If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons…
Read MorePrevention is Better Than Cure
Those who are deficient in health and then regain it realise that prevention is better than cure. If the loss of health can be prevented it is better and such person has better reasons to be grateful to nature. Preventing disease and building health are the primary ends, cure comes next. Those who are wealthy know the need for survival because the building of their financial empire is less important than the building of his health to enjoy this wealth. Only with good health can they enjoy and have fun…
Read MoreCare of Your Ears
BY WILLIAM E. BURKARD Another Great Gift Grandfather’s Watch: Grandfather had a very beautiful watch. The outside was of shining gold. Sometimes Grandfather opened the back of the watch and let Betty and Bobby look at the tiny wheels and springs that made the watch go. He would not let them get too close nor look too long. “It is very delicate,” he would say. “A little dust might get into the works. Then the watch would not keep good time and it would have to be fixed.” “You see,” said…
Read MoreTry Tulsi leaves and Honey to prevent Cough
Chew few tulsi leaves with a teaspoon of honey every day on an empty stomach to prevent cough. By: Bhavyajyoti Chilukoti Winters have set in and most of us have already started to take out all the blankets and sweaters to fight cold. But one thing that most people are scared of during winters is cough. So rather than taking medications and rolling up your sleeves after you get cough and cold, why not be prepared beforehand. And what’s best than trying natural remedies, which are safe, effective and easily available to prevent…
Read MoreBETWEEN 65 and DEATH
1. It’s TIME to use the MONEY you SAVED UP. Use it and ENJOY it. DON’T just keep it for those who may have NO NOTION of the SACRIFICES you made to get it. Remember there is nothing more DANGEROUS than a SON or DAUGHTER- IN- LAW with BIG ideas for your HARD-EARNED capital. Warning: This is also a BAD TIME for INVESTMENTS, even if it seems wonderful or fool-proof. They only bring problems and worries. This is a time for you to ENJOY some PEACE and QUIET. …
Read MoreHome Remedies for Fibroids (रसोली)
Fibroids (रसोली ), also called uterine leiomyomas, are extremely common non-cancerous muscular tumors of the uterus. About 80 percent of women develop this problem by the age of 50. The exact cause of uterine fibroids is still not known. Factors like genetics, abnormalities in the blood vessel or vascular system, hormones and other growth factors play an important role in the development of fibroids. The problem is more common in obese and African-American women. Women who have never given birth to a child or who had their first menstrual cycle…
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