त्वचा (Skin) पर निखार हमारे शरीर में विभिन्न कारणों से गंदगी आ जाती है जिसे शरीर पसीने और फुंसियों के रूप में बाहर निकालता है। जीरे का नियमित इस्तेमाल शरीर की शोधन करने की प्रक्रिया को तेज करता है और गंदगी मुंहासों और फुंसियों के तौर पर बाहर नहीं आती। आपकी त्वचा साफ और सुंदर बनी रहती है। जीरे में विटामिन E भरपूर मात्रा में होता है जिससे यह त्वचा को स्वस्थ रखने में बहुत कारगर होता है। इसमें प्राकृतिक तेल होने के साथ साथ एंटी फंगल गुण होते हैं जिनसे…
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Protein-Rich Pulses For Weight Loss And PMS Symptoms: Top Reasons To Eat Pulses Regularly
Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar took to Instagram to share about the wide variety of pulses in India, and how including them in diet can be beneficial for your health, the environment and even the farmers! Pulses can help in reducing bloating and headaches caused by PMS Did you know that pulses are one of the most water-efficient sources of protein? Protein is a key nutrient for those who want to lose weight and build muscle mass. It is a macronutrient which is in fact, the building block of bones, skin, muscles and…
Read Moreमूली खाने से होने वाले फायदे
रोजाना सुबह खाने में मूली का सेवन करने से डायबिटीज से जल्द छुटकारा मिल सकता हैं. मूली खाने से जुखाम रोग भी नही होता हैं, इसीलिए मुली को स्लाद के रूप में जरूर खाना चाहिए. हर-रोज मूली के ऊपर काला नमक डालकर खाने से भूख न लगने की समस्या दूर हो जाती हैं. मूली खाने से हमे विटामिन ए मिलता हैं, जिससे हमारे दांतो को मजबूती मिलती हैं. मूली खाने से बाल झड़ने की समस्या दूर हो जाती हैं. बवासीर रोग में कच्ची मूली या मूली के पत्तो की सब्जी…
Read More7 symptoms that indicate your body lacks calcium & Must eat calcium rich vegetables
Calcium deficiency is slowly becoming a pandemic due to poor nutritional choices. Find out whether you too are suffering from it. By: Shraddha Rupavate Do you think drinking a glass of milk is enough to get your daily dose of calcium? But in reality, it is not. Although calcium plays a key role in the maintenance of strong and healthy bones, it also helps in blood clotting, early developmental growth and muscle contraction and relaxation. This mineral can be easily obtained from natural food sources like leafy vegetables, yogurt, nuts and…
Read MoreIf You Eat 2 Bananas Per Day For A Month, This Is What Happens To Your Body
One of nature’s most underrated fruits, the bananas are one of the most popular foods in the world because of their perfect portion size, natural protective wrap and cheap price. But did you know that bananas can provide you with some amazing health benefits? Eating 2 bananas a day can help you control your blood pressure, keep your bowels healthy, lose more weight and protect your eyesight. Bananas contain the natural sugars sucrose and fructose which give them their sweet flavor, but are also packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber…
Read MoreNature Cure for Anaemia
Anaemia, which means ” lacking in blood “, is among the most common diseases affecting human beings. It denotes a shortage of rich red blood cells and colouring matter and usually results from consumption of refined foods. The blood flowing in our veins and arteries is really living tissue. Nearly half of it consists of red blood cells which carry oxygen to the tissues. Approximately one trillion ( 10,000 million ) new blood cells are formed in the bone marrow daily. The raw materials required in the production of these…
Read MoreGinger Massage best for Kidney failure, dialysis patients
Thiruvananthapuram: India is gifted with rich sources of traditional medicine which require documentation, conservation and scientific validation. This ginger therapy was followed from the book, Ayurveda Secrets of healing by Maya Tiwari. This was introduced by S. Pari, a software engineer,for his father G. Shanmugam who suffered from kidney failure. The post on youtube claims that it restored the failed kidney function to the normal level and he stopped dialysis. Procedure for Ginger Massage 1. Take 125 g of washed ginger and cut them into pieces and grind…
Read MoreMEDICAL FITNESS आवश्यक जानकारी जो सबको पता होना चाहिए
((PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE)) MEDICAL FITNESS:- ———————- ” CHOLESTEROL ” —————— Cholesterol — < 200 HDL — 40 — 60 LDL — < 100 VLDL — < 30 Triglycerides — < 150 —————————– CHOLESTEROL —————- Borderline –200 — 239 High —- > 240 V.High — > 250 —————————– LDL —— Borderline –130 —159 High — 160 — 189 V.High — > 190 —————————– TRIGLYCERIDES —————– Borderline – 150 — 199 High — 200 — 499 V.High — > 500 —————————– PLATELETS COUNT ———————- 1.50 Lac —- 4.50…
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