गैंग्रीन के कारण लक्षण व उपचार : किसी चीज से चोट लगने के कारण जब घाव हो जाता है और वह जल्दी ठीक नहीं होता है तो वह पुराना होकर सड़ने लगता है जिसे गैग्रेन रोग कहते हैं। गैंग्रीन एक लैटिन भाषा का शब्द है, जो कि गैंगराइना शब्द से बना है। जिसका मतलब होता है ऊतको का सड़ना। गैंग्रीन का ज्यादा प्रभाव हाथों और पैर मे देखने को मिलता है। ग्रैंग्रीन एक तरह का इंफेक्शन होता है। जिसे रोका न गया तो ये पूरे शरीर में फैल जाता है।…
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World Malaria Day: How To Spot The First Symptom Of Malaria? All About Malaria And Preventive Tips
World Malaria Day: Malaria is most commonly spread by a mosquito bite. Read here to know how to spot the first symptom of malaria and what you can do to prevent this disease. April 25 is observed as World Malaria Day. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to humans through mosquito bite. People who have malaria usually have high fever, experience shaking chills and feel very sick. On the occasion of World Malaria Day, we take a look at common causes, signs and symptoms of malaria and…
Read Moreघेरलू उपाय – स्वस्थ जीवन का आंनद ले
स्वस्थ भारत की ओर छोटा सा कदम …. का एक मात्र उदेश्य की आप स्वस्थ जीवन का आंनद ले और हम स्वस्थ भारत का निर्माण कर सके , आज की यह जानकारी बहुत सामान्य बीमारी है कि भूख नही लगती है ओर नीचे हम कई घेरलू उपाय बता रहे है आप इन मेसे जो आपको समझ आये उसे अपना ले निश्चित ही आपको भूख लगना प्रारंभ हो जाये हमारे शरीर की अग्नि खाये गये भोजन को पचाने का काम करती है। यदि यह अग्नि किसी कारण से मंद पड़…
Read MoreHere is why you may be feeling thirsty all the time
01/7 Do you feel excessively parched? Water is the basic necessity of life and it is impossible to imagine life without it. Though it is important to consume 3 liters of water every day to keep our body healthy, at times you might feel excessively parched. And no matter how much water you consume, you may still feel hungry again. If you are also experiencing the same, it can be due to these reasons: 02/7 You consume too much of salt Too much of salt consumption can make you feel thirsty. This…
Read MoreNew from the Old: Know how to Use your Old Spices!
By: Sheetal Dhamecha As per a report by Popular Science, spices spread the small amount of chemical they contain in our food. Spices keep changing phases, the clock starts ticking after they’re harvested. Though it varies from spice to spice, usually, the spices lose much of the potency in a year and by the end of three years, they need replacement. However, before disposing of your spices, you must reconsider, as they might be used in many other ways. Deal with Year Old Spices, ‘The less than fresh category’! Adding heat can transform spices, enhancing their smell…
Read MoreHow to Lose Weight Quickly Without Exercise?
By: Abha Toppo Obesity or fatness is one of the biggest health problems all around the world. People generally put on weight due to their unhealthy eating habits. They eat and drink more calories than they burn through daily movement and body functions. In this article we will tell you how to lose weight without exercise, medication and in a natural healthy way. A person can easily and quickly lose weight, the only thing he or she needs to do is maintain a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating and drinking. 7 ways…
Read MoreWorld Water Day: Save Water By Making These Small Changes In Daily Life
The World Water Day theme 2019 is “Leaving no one behind”. This year is 26th World Water Day. Start with making small changes in your daily life to conserve water. World Water Day is celebrated every year on March 22. The idea behind observing this day is focusing on the importance of water and need to conserve it. The World Water Day theme 2019 is “Leaving no one behind”. It looks at why people have been left behind and how access to water and sanitation and sustainable water management can…
Read MoreSit down to drink water, here’s what Ayurveda says
by Dr Partap Chauhan Why do people often tell you to sit down before drinking water? What happens if you drink when you are in a standing position? Let’s see what Ayurveda says. It is natural Nature knows what is best for us. The majority of diseases today happen because we adamantly try to go against nature. And, nature intended us to be in a sitting position to drink water. Observe nature. Many people cite the example of cows, elephants or goats that stand up to drink water. It is simply…
Read MoreStop Kids from Using Excess Toothpaste as it Leads to Tooth Decay
By: Abha Toppo If your child is in a habit of using excess toothpaste then you need to stop him or her. According to a recent study, young children who use toothpaste more than required are at an increased risk of ‘dental fluorosis’ when they grow older. Fluorosis is basically a condition that affects your teeth caused by excessive exposure to fluoride during the first 8 years of life. It must be noted that fluoride is a mineral, which is found in water and soil. More than 70 years ago, researchers…
Read Moreआँखों (Eyes) की रौशनी तेज करने के उपाय
ईश्वर की बनायी गयी इस दुनिया को दखने का माध्यम केवल हमारी ऑंखें ही है और इनको उम्र के पड़ाव के साथ देखभाल की भी नितांत आवयकता होती है क्योंकि बढ़ती उम्र के साथ हमारी आँखों के चारो तरफ क मांसपेशियां ढीली पड़ने लगती है और हमारी आँखें कमजोर हो जाती है! आंखों की रौशनी हमारे आहार और जीवनशैली पर भी निर्भर करती है! आँखों की देखभाल और उसकी रौशनी बढ़ाने के कुछ आसान से उपाय सुबह उठकर मुहँ में पानी भरकर आँखें खोलकर साफ पानी के छीटें आँखों…
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