गैंग्रीन के कारण लक्षण व उपचार : किसी चीज से चोट लगने के कारण जब घाव हो जाता है और वह जल्दी ठीक नहीं होता है तो वह पुराना होकर सड़ने लगता है जिसे गैग्रेन रोग कहते हैं। गैंग्रीन एक लैटिन भाषा का शब्द है, जो कि गैंगराइना शब्द से बना है। जिसका मतलब होता है ऊतको का सड़ना। गैंग्रीन का ज्यादा प्रभाव हाथों और पैर मे देखने को मिलता है। ग्रैंग्रीन एक तरह का इंफेक्शन होता है। जिसे रोका न गया तो ये पूरे शरीर में फैल जाता है।…
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कभी ना रोके शरीर के ये 13 वेग
शरीर के १३ वेग ऐसे है जिसे रोकने से शारीरिक और मानसिक परेशानी होती है ,और कभी कभी तो इन वेगो को रोंकने से शारीर मे बडी भरि परेशानी भि हो सकती है ,हम आपकों बतायेँगे की शरीर के वो कोनसे वेग है जो इन्सान को रोकने नहीं चाहिये ,और इनके रोकने से कोन कौनसे नुकशान हो सकते है , १। मूत्र – इसको रोकने से पेडू और लिंगेन्द्रियो मे दर्द होत है ,मूत्र रुक रुक कर थोडा थोड़ा और कष्ट से होता है ,सिर मे पीड़ा होतीं है ,शरीर सीधा नहीं होता है…
Read MoreYogasanas
Yogasanas help exercise external as well as internal body parts. This helps with proper body functioning, thereby ensuring good physical health, as well as mental peace and calm.The various postures help correct our physiological and physical imbalances and help us tone our musculo-skeletal system. If practiced properly and regularly, yoga has an extremely rejuvenative and therapeutic effect on our body. If you are a beginner, you should always perform the yogasanas under the supervision of an expert trainer, who would advice you on which asanas are good for you keeping…
Read MoreGeneral Health Benefits of Magnetic Water
Water, which makes up over 70% of our body composition, is the most influential and vital component that provides the body with the ability to maintain health and prevent its deterioration. This can only happen if the quality, content, and structure of the water meet the body’s requirements. After magnetizing water, the molecules line up in sequence “+-+-“ resulting in reduced surface tension, reduced viscosity, increased dissolvability, increased permeability and increased oxygen content hence making nutrients more readily available to our body. Water is then said to be biologically “alive”.…
Read MoreSwine Flu Cases Soar Again: Spot the Symptoms Early and Bolster Up Your Diet
Swine flu is on rise again. As per the official figures, close to 600 people have succumbed to the debilitating disease this year with the major chunk of mortality recorded in Maharashtra – almost 50% of the total national swine flu death count. As per a PTI report, a total of 12,460 registered swine-flu cases have been reported this year versus 1,786 cases reported last year. The death toll has seen a two-fold rise this year as compared to the previous year. Close to 320 H1N1 cases have been reported…
Read MoreHere are a few tips to shield your eyes from infection during the monsoon
While enjoying the rainy season, don’t forget to take care of your eyes as the climate also encourages infective microorganisms to thrive. Avoid infections like conjunctivitis, sties, dry eyes and corneal ulcers by using clean towels and more, say experts. Uma Singh, Medical Consultant at Ozone Group, Gowri Kulkarni, Head of Medical Operations, DocsApp and Shailja Mittal, Creative Head at Zapyle, have listed ways to avoid eye problems: Most eye diseases are transmitted by hand-to-eye contact . Therefore, wash your hands before touching your eyes in order to reduce or…
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