Home Remedies for Typhoid Fever

Note: Do consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treament of this condition. Use home remedies just as an adjunct treatment.   Typhoid fever, also known as typhoid, is a bacterial infection of the intestinal tract and bloodstream. It is most commonly caused due to the Salmonella typhi (S. typhi) bacterium.   Once the bacteria enters the body throughcontaminated food, drinks or water, they multiply and spread from the intestines into the bloodstream. The bacteria travel through the blood to your lymph nodes, liver, spleen, gallbladder and other parts of…

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तांबे (Copper) के बर्तन

तांबे के बर्तन में कम से कम 8 घंटे तक रखा हुआ पानी पीना सेहत के लिए काफी लाभकारी है। परंतु इसे कभी भी जमीन पर न रखें (जमीन के गुरूत्वाकर्षण कारण )। इसे किसी लकड़ी की टेबल में ढख कर रखे। इस पानी को पीने से शरीर के कई रोग बिना दवा ही ठीक हो जाते हैं। जैसे…….   जिन लोगों को कफ की समस्या ज्यादा रहती है, उन्हें इस पानी में तुलसी के कुछ पत्ते डाल देने चाहिए। तांबे के बर्तन में जल को रखकर पिएं तो इससे…

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Herbs that Heal

Here is a list of some of top healing herbs that may be in your cupboard: Rosemary has shown a lot of cancer-protective potential.” Frying, broiling, or grilling meats at high temperatures creates HCAs (heterocyclic amines), potent carcinogens implicated in several cancers. Rosemary contains carnosol and rosemarinic acid, two powerful antioxidants that destroy the HCAs. Oregano this super herb is very rich in anti-oxidant phytochemical flavonoids and phenolic acids. Oregano oil has been classically used as a disinfectant, an aid for ear, nose, & throat/respiratory infections, candida, and any sort…

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Don’t throw away Potato Peels, they have more Benefits than the Vegetable itself

Like many others, do you also throw potato peels into the garbage bin? If yes, then you are actually disposing off a large number of healthy ingredients. Well-known for its disease-fighting abilities, the skin of potatoes is far more beneficial to health and beauty than the vegetable itself. A) For health A1) Helps in weight loss We all know that potatoes are rich in carbohydrates that play a key role in improving your weight. However, potato peels contain minimal amount of fat, cholesterol and sodium. This is the reason, why…

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9 Ways to Loose Bad Breath Naturally

Certain foods, dry mouth, etc. can leave you with bad breath. But when you are on the go you cannot always rush to a restroom to brush your teeth. There are many mouth fresheners that are available in the market. But, how about carrying some natural breath fresheners readily available in your kitchen cabinet to help tame your bad mouth odour? Here is a list of few of them: 1. Fennel seeds or saunf Fennel seeds are routinely chewed upon after meals to alleviate indigestion. But did you know that they…

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किशमिश (Raisins) खाने के स्‍वास्‍थ्‍यवर्धक फायदे

अंगूर को जब विशेषरूप से सुखाया जाता है तब उसे किशमिश कहते हैं। अंगूर के लगभग सभी गुण किशमिश में होते हैं। यह दो प्रकार का होता है, लाल और काला। किशमिश खाने से खून बनता है, वायु दोष दूर होता है, पित्त दूर होता है, कफ दूर होता, और हृदय के लिये बड़ा हितकारी तथा हार्ट अटैक को दूर रखने में मदद करता है। किशमिश के स्‍वास्‍थ्‍यवर्धक गुड- 1. कब्‍ज – जब किशमिश को खाई जाती है तो यह पेट में जा कर पानी को सोख लेती हैं। जिस…

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Health Benefits of Sapodilla (Chiku – चीकू)

The fruit Chiku has an exceptionally sweet and delicious flavour along with lots of nutritional values. Chiku is one of the best fruits to provide quick energy as Sapodilla is loaded with fructose and sucrose and regarded as a natural boosting energy food. The Chiku, which is botanically known as Manilkara zapota is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin A, C and E, copper, iron, etc. Image Source: medifee.com

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