Gestational Diabetes (GSD) typically affects women during pregnancy. Due to the many lifestyle issues we are facing, women are more prone to Gestational Diabetes now. Gestational Diabetes can often lead to type 2 diabetes in later stages of life for women. However, it is not necessary that one may become diabetic permanently. Once the baby is born, one may not have diabetes at all. Even though Gestational Diabetes is not a permanent state, it is important to remember to stick to a healthy diet and regime as your baby might…
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The dangers of cleaning agents
By: KANIZA GARARI Ever wondered what your household cleaning liquid is doing to your health? Women, who are homemakers, are found to suffer from the problem more commonly. While your house becomes cleaner with each rub, your body suffers — household cleaning liquids or agents are linked to respiratory problems such as bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis (which includes running nose and nasal block) due to the acidic fumes they release upon evaporation. No wonder then that the increased use of these liquids for cleaning bathrooms, floors as well as the…
Read MoreHere’s why a healthy lifestyle is a must in times of uncertainty; and how to maintain one
Exercise is not just about aerobic capacity, muscle size and cardiovascular fitness. it also helps you sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about yourself and your life. By Sandhya Pandey “Tough times never last. Tough people do,” said author and motivational speaker Robert H Schuller. And to be that “tough person” with a tough body and mind, you most certainly need good nutrition. In modern society, with the fastpaced changes, nothing seems safe and secure and among other things, definitely not our jobs.…
Read MoreHealth Benefits of Cardamom
Health Benefits of Clove (लौंग)
• Helps with Cough and Cold symptoms • Natural mouth freshener • Fights Nausea (जी मिचलाना) • Helps Gastric (बदहज़मी) upsets • Avoids Bloating (सूजन) • Reduces Mouth ulcers (मुंह के छाले) • Fights tooth pain and bleeding gums (मसूड़ों से खून निकलना) • Helps control high cholesterol levels • Increases Blood circulation • Antiseptic (सड़न रोकनेवाली दबा) Source: WhatsApp
Read Moreमुंह के छालों से पाना चाहते हैं छुटकारा तो करें ये उपाय
Quick Bytes: असंतुलित आहार के कारण हो सकते हैं आपके मुंह में छाले। पेट की खराबी में मुंह के छालो की बड़ी वजह हो सकती है। छाले होने पर मसालेदार भोजन का सेवन करना अच्छा नहीं। पान के पत्ते का चूर्ण बनाकर शहद के साथ खाने से होता है लाभ। मुंह में अगर छाले हो जाएं तो जीना मुहाल हो जाता है। खाना तो दूर पानी पीना भी मुश्किल हो जाता है। लेकिन, इसका इलाज आपके आसपास ही मौजूद है। मुंह के छाले गालों के अंदर और जीभ पर…
Read More11 Genius Home Remedies you must know!
Are you among those who pop a pill every time you experience some pain? Well, it’s time you turn to your kitchen. There are so many natural remedies available that can be utilized for your overall well being. Have a look: Menstrual pain: Mix the juice of 2-3 lemons in cold water and have it every day for relief. Chronic headache: Peel and chop apple. Dash some salt and have it the first thing in the morning. Flatulence: Mix about 1/4th spoon of baking soda in water and drink for relief. Sore…
Read MoreNeem & Herpes ( Also called “Nagin” or “Janeau”)
Relief for Herpes, Cold Sores and Shingles It is estimated that upwards of 80% of Americans will experience the herpes virus in their lifetimes. This includes the cold sores and fever blisters of the mouth and face, genital herpes, chickenpox, shingles and the more rare occurrences of other herpes viruses. Herpes of the mouth (face), called herpes simplex I, and genital herpes, herpes simplex II, seem to only surface when the person who has the dormant virus within their system feels very stressed or the body is extremely exhausted or…
Read More9 Ways to Loose Bad Breath Naturally
Certain foods, dry mouth, etc. can leave you with bad breath. But when you are on the go you cannot always rush to a restroom to brush your teeth. There are many mouth fresheners that are available in the market. But, how about carrying some natural breath fresheners readily available in your kitchen cabinet to help tame your bad mouth odour? Here is a list of few of them: 1. Fennel seeds or saunf Fennel seeds are routinely chewed upon after meals to alleviate indigestion. But did you know that they…
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