1) Do this exercise to prevent symptoms of the condition developing DEMENTIA is an umbrella term used to describe different diseases which progressively damage the brain. There is currently no cure for the condition, but experts believe there are ways to prevent it developing. Dementia tends to occur in older people and triggers symptoms such as memory loss, difficulty concentrating and problems with planning and reasoning. The four main types of dementia are vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, lewy body dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Getting older is the biggest risk factor…
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Regularly consuming ‘ultraprocessed’ foods increases risk of early death: Study
While we all love nibbling away at our pizzas, chips or french fries, a new study, conducted in France, now finds that we face a 14 per cent higher risk of early death with each 10 per cent increase in the amount of ultraprocessed food we eat. The authors of the study wrote in the journal JAMA Internal medicine that ultraprocessed foods are manufactured industrially from multiple ingredients that usually include additives used for technological and/or cosmetic purposes, reported CNN. They added, “Ultraprocessed foods are mostly consumed in the form…
Read Moreरात को नहीं खानी चाहिए ये 10 चीजें
हर व्यक्ति की खाने से जुड़ी अपनी अलग आदतें होती हैं। इसलिए कुछ लोग शाम के समय जल्दी खाना खा लेते हैं, जबकि कुछ लोग देर से खाते हैं। शरीर पर इन आदतों का तो असर पड़ता ही है, लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि आपने रात को जो खाना खाया है, उसका सीधा असर आपकी नींद पर पड़ता है। जी हां, रात को सोने से पहले आपने जो खाना खाया है, यदि ठीक नहीं है तो आपको बहुत जल्दी गहरी नींद नहीं आएगी। आयुर्वेद में माना गया है कि…
Read MoreDear parents, is your child overweight? Blame your neighbourhood fast food outlet
A study has found that kids who live closer to fast food chains were more likely to gain a significant amount of weight between the first and last year of primary school. Residing in a suburb full of restaurants peddling junk food may not be the best for your kid. The diet of young children is influenced by the local food environment. Children who live near fast food outlets are more likely to gain weight compared with those living farther away, new research suggests. This is worrying as a recent…
Research suggests that you can keep your cholesterol levels in check by making simple but effective dietary changes, opting for an exercise regimen and keeping your weight in check. Here are some effective ways to lower your cholesterol levels without popping pills: ? SAY NO TO TRANS FATS ? Food manufacturers use trans fats because they extend the shelf life of packaged baked goods. ? They raise LDL (bad cholesterol), lower HDL (good cholesterol), and increase the risk of developing heart diseases and stroke. ? Trans fats are found in…
Read MoreChildren won’t get pizza, burgers, vada pav in Maharashtra school canteens
By Puja Pednekar Students in city schools will not be able to indulge in deep-fried vada pavs or cheesy burgers anymore. In a first, the Maharashtra government on Monday imposed an official ban over selling and serving foods high in fats, sugar and salt (HFSS) in school canteens. Fried foods, pizzas, burgers, carbonated drinks and all kinds of sweets, which have been freely available in schools so far, will now be prohibited. But this does not stop children from carrying junk food in their lunch boxes. Although the Delhi high…
Read MoreCancer-causing chemical found in bread samples from Delhi
By – Bindu Shajan Perappadan CSE tested some of the bread sold in Delhi and found residues of Potassium Bromate and Iodate in commonly consumed varieties. Your daily bread could contain cancer-causing chemicals, including Potassium Bromate and Potassium Iodate, substances that are banned in many countries, but not in India due to slack food regulations, warns a new report released by the Centre for Science and Environment. CSE’s new study tested some of the bread sold in Delhi and found residues of Potassium Bromate and Iodate in commonly consumed…
Read MoreToo much fatty food could set children up for mental problems: Study
Consumption of excessive amounts of fatty foods might lead to cognitive and psychiatric problems in children when they are older. Love to binge on fatty foods such as oily samosas and cheese-laden pizzas? Beware, as a new study warns that such children may be at risk of developing cognitive and psychiatric problems such as schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s disease in their adulthood. According to the study, diets rich in fat deplete the levels of a key protein known as reelin which help synapses in the brain to work properly. This hampers…
Read MoreWhy our children are so bored at school, cannot concentrate on study, cannot wait, get easily frustrated and have no REAL friends
Children are getting worse in many aspects. We have seen and continue to see a decline in children’s social, emotional, academic functioning, as well as a sharp increase in learning disabilities, depression and aggression. Today’s children come to school emotionally unavailable for learning and many factors in our modern lifestyle contribute to this. 1. Technology “Free babysitting service” Compared to virtual reality, everyday life is boring. When kids come to the classroom, they are exposed to human voices and inadequate visual stimulation as opposed to being bombarded with graphic explosions…
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