1) इसमें आयरन की मात्रा अधिक होती है जो एनीमिया से बचाती है। 2) रोज सुबह एक गिलास पानी में चुटकीभर दालचीनी और कालीमिर्च पाउडर डालकर उबालें।पानी आधा रह जाए तो छानें और एक चम्मच शहद मिलाकर पी लें। वजन घटाने में मदद मिलेगी। 3) दालचीनी का पाउडर और पानी मिलाकर पतला लेप बनाएं। इसे माथे पर लगाएं और सूखने पर हटा दें। ऐसा 3-4 बार करें।इससे सिरदर्द की समस्या कम होती है। 4) इसके इस्तेमाल से आपको पिंपल्स की परेशानी से भी राहत मिलेगी। हफ्ते में दो बार आधा…
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5 health-related mistakes from 2018 you should not make in 2019 – Get healthier this New Year
When it comes to our health, the truth of the matter is that we tend to become too callous with it, be it because of our inability to manage time, or just laziness. 2018 is over and 2019 has started with a bang, some amazing parties, and some new year resolutions. Though it is extremely difficult to keep the resolutions you make, one thing you can do for sure is to make sure you learn from your mistakes in the past and do not repeat them in the New Year.…
Read Moreभोजन करने के नियम (Rules for having Meals)
1. खाने से पूर्व अन्नपूर्णा माता की स्तुति करके उनका धन्यवाद देते हुए, तथा सभी भूखो को भोजन प्राप्त हो इर्श्वर (God) से ऐसी प्राथना (Prayer) करके भोजन करना चाहिए । 2. गृहस्थ के लिए प्रातः (Morning & Evening) और सायं (दो समय) ही भोजन का विधान है । 3. दोनो हाथ, दोनो पैर और मुख, इन पाँच अंगो को धोकर (Wash both hands, legs & face before meals) भोजन करने वाला दीर्घजीवी होता है। 4. भींगे पैर खाने से आयु की वृद्धि होती है 5. सुखे पैर, जुते पहने…
Read MoreWorld Laughter Day 2018: Date, History, Celebrations & Benefits of Laughter Yoga
‘Always laugh when you can. It is a cheap medicine.’ – Lord Byron. Laughter is the best medicine and we all have heard it. It might not be able to solve a difficult situation but laughing over a matter will surely bring some relief and will dissolve the stress. If you are among people who do not laugh often, then today is your day. First Sunday in the month of May is celebrated as the World Laughter Day. This year the World Laughter Day is being celebrated on May 6,…
Read MoreHome Remedies To Protect Your Skin And Hair This Holi
The festival of colors is almost here and the excitement can be felt in the air. Days are getting warmer with spirits soaring high. The liberating blend of colors and excitement is knocking on our doors. We’re all ready to welcome and embrace the joyful fun that the festival of Holi brings. Rows of colour shops have already cropped up in busy marketplaces with a variety of fountain guns and colour balloons available for purchase. But precautions must be taken as playing Holi can be harmful for your skin and…
Read MoreHere’s How Coconut Can Do Wonders For Your Skin And Diet
Coconuts are versatile; they can be used as a fruit, in desserts and in savouries. In fact they dominate quite a part in the Southern Indian dishes Coconuts are versatile; they can be used as a fruit, in desserts and in savouries. In fact they dominate quite a part in the Southern Indian dishes. It is a part of every celebration, as an ingredient in the delicacies prepared, as offering to the gods and to mark an auspicious occasion. Not only are they used for their mild flavours, but also…
Read MoreWinter skincare: Follow these tips to keep your skin soft and glowing this season
Experts recommend using rose water, olive oil and egg yolk mixture to retain moisture in your skin during the cold season. Dry skin is a common skin care issue in winter and it is best to prepare your skin in advance for the cold months ahead. Experts recommend using rose water, olive oil and egg yolk mixture to retain moisture in your skin during this season. * Cleanse your face with natural rose water or aroma water of lavender or chamomile. One drop in a bowl of water is enough. * For…
Read MoreDo Not Hate Mud; It Has the Healing Power As Effective As Medicine
In early days mud is used to rinse hair or scrubbing body. Including these, now in every naturopathy centers mud is used in various ways for healthily and glossy skin. This important natural element is the rich source of minerals which is very necessary for human health. It also absorbs toxins and prevents several diseases. It is used for cooling and relaxing the body as it has the power of moisturizing for a long time. Mud is associated with Earth – one of the five elements of nature. Mud has immense healing…
Read MoreWorld Stroke Day: Effects and causes
World Stroke Day is observed on the October 29, each year. Stroke, the most commonly heard reason of mortality in India after road accidents, is a condition where the brain does not receive enough oxygen or nutrients, causing brain cells to die. Researches show that India will report almost 1.6 million cases of stroke annually by 2020 out of which one third would be disabled. A stroke, also known as a cerebrovascular accident or CVA, occurs when part of the brain loses its blood supply and stops working. This causes the part of the…
Read MoreBenefits of using Ice
बर्फ के ये 10 फायदे जानकर चौंक जाएंगे आप 1-कड़वी दवाई खाने से पहले मुंह में बर्फ का टुकड़ा रख लें, दवाई कड़वी ही नहीं लगेगी। 2- यदि आपने बहुत ज्यादा खा लिया है और खाना पच नहीं रहा, तो थोड़ा-सा बर्फ का टुकड़ा खा ले। खाना शीघ्र पच जाएगा। 3- यदि आपके पास मेकअप का भी समय नहीं है या आपकी त्वचा ढीली पड़ती जा रही है तो एक बर्फ का छोटा-सा टुकड़ा लेकर उसे किसी कपड़े में (हो सके तो मखमल का) लपेट चेहरे पर लगाइए। इससे आपके…
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