Acupuncture vs. Acupressure: What’s The Difference?

Acupuncture and Acupressure are forms of Traditional Chinese medicine that focus on Qi, which is considered the body’s life force energy. Studies link the two treatments with a plethora of health benefits involving everything from your digestive system to mood disorders. While the methods share similarities, they also differ in significant ways. Here’s everything you need to know about acupuncture and acupressure—and whether either may be a good fit for you. What Is Acupuncture? Acupuncture involves the insertion of hair-thin, sterile needles into different points in the body by licensed,…

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by Brahma Kumaris There is a direct connection between your identity and destiny. It’s a simple process to see and understand, even on a daily basis. If you wake up irritated (in a bad mood), it means you are seeing yourself as an irritated being (soul). Perhaps, you even think and, sometimes, say to yourself, “I’m irritated today.” It means your self-identity is negative. So, you filter the world through your negative filter and the world actually looks like an irritable place. As a result, you think negative thoughts, generate a…

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Cutting screen use may reverse sleep problems in teens

Limiting exposure to blue-light emitting devices such as phones and laptops in the evening for just a week can help teenagers improve their sleep quality and reduce symptoms of fatigue, lack of concentration and bad mood, a study has found. Recent studies have indicated that exposure to too much evening light, particularly the blue light emitted from screens on smartphones, tablets and computers can affect the brain’s clock and the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, resulting in disrupted sleep time and quality. The lack of sleep does not just cause immediate symptoms of tiredness and poor concentration but can also increase…

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7 Natural Beauty Rules to Make You Look and Feel Younger

hy oh why? Is flawless skin, that’s radiant and glowing too much to ask for? Have you tried countless expensive makeup and cosmetic treatments available on the market, only to end up feeling frustrated? Wake up, every morning to see a tired and worn-out version of yourself in the mirror? Worry not! Here, we make beauty care easy for you, the all-natural way! With our best tips and tricks, you’ll not only look but also feel younger. Yep, that’s the beauty of a natural skin and face care regime. It…

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मक्खन के फायदे

1 कैंसर (Cancer) –जी हां, मक्खन (Butter) कोई मामूली चीज नहीं है। यह कैंसर जैसे रोग से बचाव करने में आपकी मदद करता है। दरअसल मक्खन में मौजूद फैटी एसिड कौंजुलेटेड लिनोलेक प्रमुख रूप से कैंसर से बचाव में मदद करता है। 2 ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस (Osteoporosis)-विटामिन्स, मिनिरल्स और कैल्शियम से भरपूर मक्खन आपकी हड्डियों को मजबूत बनाकर ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस जैसी समस्याओं से निजात दिलाने में मदद करता है। दांतों के लिए भी यह बेहद फायदेमंद होता है। 3 बुखार (Fever) -गाय के दूध का मक्खन और खड़ी शर्करा का सेवन करने से पुराना…

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Peaceful Retired Life – 13 “Will My Attitude Decide My happiness”

By – Rajendran Sivaramapillai Will My Attitude Decide My Happiness? Almost all retired people invariably give a gloomy look at times, in fact a deadly combination of all negative emotions at the same time, often looking lost in the desert. Invariably spouse will ask, “What happened to you and the standard reply, “Nothing I am alright?” She knows you are on the road to self-criticism. Even simple deviations in everyday life seem to affect us so much mentally. How to come out of this melancholy mood? Yes! It all depends on…

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Walk your Way to Better Health

Small Steps that make Miles of Difference to your Fitness and Well-being Taking a walk every day is like biting the proverbial apple. You can keep the doctor away, just by moving your feet. Not a fan of sweaty, rigorous workouts? Then, walking is perfect for you. No need for gym memberships, or expensive equipment. All that’s needed are your feet and a pair of good quality walking shoes, and you can walk your way to “Better Health.” From shrinking your jeans size to helping you reduce blood-pressure, preventing diabetes…

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How to Trigger Brain Stimulation with These 8 Everyday Activities

It is important to keep our brains healthy, so try the following everyday activities to trigger brain stimulation, improve cognitive abilities and reduce cognitive decline. We rely on our brains for everything, yet we often don’t think about taking care of them. Luckily, it is quite easy to look after our brains. Most of the things we do for our bodies, such as following a good diet and taking exercise are also good for our brains. But there are also a few brain stimulation exercises we can use to keep our…

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World Health Day 2018: how creativity can help you deal with depression, stress and anxiety

Start these creative hobbies to improve your physical, mental and emotional health World Health Day is celebrated on April 7. This World Health Day 2018, let’s throw some light on stress, anxiety and depression affecting an individual’s physical, mental and emotional health. It begins a fight with ourselves each day while keeping up the pace to survive with growing expectations, technologies and cerebrally focused culture. Too much stress or anxiety caused by negative thoughts and emotions which surrounds us may often lead to depression. The best way to combat it is expressing it in different ways.…

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Sleep Well, Heal Well Staying up late at night, fiddling with your phone, while scrolling through pages of your newsfeed? Does that sound like your daily night-time ritual? Are you a night owl who loves partying up till the wee hours of the night? You aren’t just robbing your body of rest. In fact, you’re hindering its ability to heal, repair and rejuvenate? Yes, sleep means much more to your body than just rest. Sleep isn’t like Parking your Car in the Garage for the Night For years, scientists and…

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