Urine test reveals what you really eat

  By James Gallagher   A urine test that can reveal how healthy your meals are has been developed by UK scientists. They think it could be used to improve nutritional advice or in weight loss because people are notoriously bad at recording their own eating habits. The test, detailed in the Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, detects chemicals made as food is processed by the body. The research team believe it could be widely available within two years. The urine samples are analysed to determine the structure of the chemicals…

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PLEASE READ CAREFULLY … Can make difference between Life and death I emergencies::: Forward from a medical student YES ,you read it right. It’s a very common practice of ours to provide water to a person who has met with an accident or who is unconscious or on verge of getting unconscious. There is a BIG medical reason for thosy I, being an MBBS student, learnt this thing in my Forensic Medicine class. Forensics is a subject taught to us in MBBS 2nd Prof. Once, in a forensic practical, when…

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लू लगना

लू लगने से मृत्यु क्यों होती है? दिल्ली से आंध्रप्रदेश तक….सैकड़ो लोग लू लगने से मर रहे हैं। हम सभी धूप में घूमते हैं फिर कुछ लोगो की ही धूप में जाने के कारण अचानक मृत्यु क्यों हो जाती है? ? हमारे शरीर का तापमान हमेशा 37° डिग्री सेल्सियस होता है, इस तापमान पर ही हमारे शरीर के सभी अंग सही तरीके से काम कर पाते है। ? पसीने के रूप में पानी बाहर निकालकर शरीर 37° सेल्सियस टेम्प्रेचर मेंटेन रखता है, लगातार पसीना निकलते वक्त भी पानी पीते रहना…

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Common Cold

Common cold is an ailment that affects the upper respiratory tract of a person i.e. nose and throat. It is basically caused by picornaviruses, including rhinoviruses or coronaviruses. Though a harmless disease, common cold is highly contagious and can spread easily, and rapidly, from one individual to other. On a normal basis, it strikes an adult about three to four times in a year. For the preschoolers, the strike rate is about 6 to 10 times in a year. People, who are struck with common cold, generally get relief from…

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Home Remedies For Hiccups

What are Hiccups? Hiccups are a reflex action, which means that we do not have any control over them. Hiccups are a sudden, involuntary squeezing of the diaphragm, the main breathing muscle under the lungs, which results in sucking the air quickly into the lungs thereby snapping and shutting glottis above the voice-box (larynx). This snapping makes the sound of a hiccup. Hiccups will usually stop on their own. Continuous hiccups lasting for more than a day or two may indicate a cause of an underlying disease, which needs medical intervention.…

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5 Sure-shot Remedies for Flatulence (Fart)

If you thought you need some gas (read air) only to breath and be alive, you may be wrong enough! You also need to release gas (read fart) from your body to stay healthy! Yes, farting is what all do howsoever embarrassing it may be. All human beings have to pass wind (gas generated in the intestinal tract) through anus so that they are not a victim of some really nasty gases produced during digestion. So, whether you pass gas with a sound or fart silently, you do it and…

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