10 home remedies to avoid Swine Flu

Are the rising swine flu casualties giving you jitters? Not sure how you can avoid falling prey to the growing epidemic? First and foremost, there is absolutely no need to panic. Here are some easy steps you can take to tackle a flu virus of any kind, including swine flu. It is not necessary to follow all the steps at once. You can pick and choose a combination of remedies that suit you best. However, if you are already suffering from flu, these measures can help only up to an…

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11 Genius Home Remedies you must know!

Are you among those who pop a pill every time you experience some pain? Well, it’s time you turn to your kitchen. There are so many natural remedies available that can be utilized for your overall well being.   Have a look: Menstrual pain: Mix the juice of 2-3 lemons in cold water and have it every day for relief. Chronic headache: Peel and chop apple. Dash some salt and have it the first thing in the morning. Flatulence: Mix about 1/4th spoon of baking soda in water and drink for relief. Sore…

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Simple remedies to treat acidity

Acidity can strike at any time and any place. It is diagnosed by discomfort near the chest and cause significant distress. If you suffer from it often, here are some simple home remedies that will help. Basil or tulsi leaves as they are more popularly known as, are an excellent way to treat acidity. You can either chew on the leaves or boil them in water and then drink the mixture. Eating cloves will raise the level of hydrochloric acid in your stomach and give you instant relief from acidity.…

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8 ways How you can make use of Banana Peels

8 ways how you can make use of banana peels – Urbanatural (Article published on 26th January 2015 in Bombay Times supplement of Times Of India ) Bananas are known to be healthy fruits. However, not many know that the peels too are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. So the next time you eat a banana make sure you use the peel, keeping these tips in mind. Prepare compost: Banana peels are known to break down quickly and can add several nutrients to the soil. Notice how fast your…

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5 Easy Home Remedies to Stop Loose Motions

Poor eating habits are perpetrators of common stomach disorders like loose motions, which in turn, bring in a host of health troubles like weakness, loss of appetite, stomach pain and dehydration. So, use these five easy home cures that won’t let those watery unformed stools keep you down. Ginger: Try eating a little ginger as it reduces the formation of unpleasant gases in the stomach, thereby, helping in controlling loose motions. Sweet lime/Coconut water: In case of mild loose motions, one can also try taking sweet lime water or coconut…

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5 Sure-shot Remedies for Flatulence (Fart)

If you thought you need some gas (read air) only to breath and be alive, you may be wrong enough! You also need to release gas (read fart) from your body to stay healthy! Yes, farting is what all do howsoever embarrassing it may be. All human beings have to pass wind (gas generated in the intestinal tract) through anus so that they are not a victim of some really nasty gases produced during digestion. So, whether you pass gas with a sound or fart silently, you do it and…

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Eat Vegetable Foods/Fruits

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Constipation Relief Tips

– Avoid fatty meal during constipation. – Do not take ice cold items, which stop bowel movement. – Do sit ups for 25 times and drink three glasses of water. – Eat fibrous or vegetable foods while going to bed. – Eat two bananas after every meal. – Drink two glasses of warm water slowly in the early morning. – Drink one table spoon of corn syrup with one glass of warm water. – Drink two table spoonful of aloe vera juice three times daily. – Eat one salt +…

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Banana Benefits

After reading THIS, you may NEVER look at the Banana in the same way again! Doctors: Home Remedy if you want a quick fix for flagging energy levels there is no better snack than a banana. Containing three natural sugars-sucrose, fructose and glucose-combined with fibre a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world’s leading athletes. But energy isn’t the only…

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